
Tired of sitting for long hours? Get a standing desk!


Many professionals have their reservations about desk-manning jobs. Sitting for hours at a stretch can impact the spine and back, besides increasing risks of lifestyle diseases, such as obesity. If you have been looking for a practical solution while retaining your job, think of getting a standing desk. True to the name, standing desks are designed to switch between sitting and standing positions at the will of the user. Here’s more on what professionals need to know about standing desks. 

Which type of standing desk to buy?

In general, these desks can be classified into two categories – electric and manual. An electric standing desk is powered by a motor, and you can switch between positions with the push/touch of a button. For the manual ones, adjustments must be done by the use. If you are short on budget, stick to a manually-adjustable desk. However, if you don’t mind spending a tad more, check for something like PrimeCables electric standing desk, which costs less than $300. There is no denying that electrically-powered desks are easier to use and have better features. 

“Is a standing desk right for me?”

Many professionals have this basic question in mind. While standing desks do have a few benefits, these may or may not work for some people. In the initial days of use, you may have a hard time making the adjustments between positions, especially if you are used to sitting at work. As you get used to the mechanism, you may have a good time using a standing desk, compared to your standard office table. It takes a while to understand the benefits of these desks, but the investment is usually worthwhile in the long run. 

Things that matter for buying one

If you are buying your first standing desk, go for an electric variant, which will ease the job of switching from one position to another. Among other things, check if the desk is easy to use and has a smooth mechanism. It makes little sense to get a desk that would take too long to move from sitting to standing positions. Besides the speed, consider the weight capacity of the desk, which matters more when you need a big tabletop. Many electric standing desks don’t come with the tabletop, but will have a weight limit anyway. 

Not to forget, consider the noise of the standing desk, especially if you want to use it in a shared workspace. 

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